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Do you ever feel afraid? 
Do you ever feel afraid?  I know that I do.  And it seems that many of the Biblical writers did as well.  In Psalm 11 David is facing a frightening situation.  It is so dangerous that others around him are telling him to flee into the mountains because the wicked are hiding in the shadows ready to shoot arrows at him.  The foundations of all that is good are being shaken.
We sometimes feel that we are in danger: danger of making mistakes, danger of getting hurt, danger of others not treating us well, in danger of… whatever it may be.  The fear of these things keeps us trapped and sometimes running from all that God has for us.  This week I had a moment where I felt really afraid.  And the fear felt consuming.  It took away my feeling of joy and my ability to be fully present. 
As I prayed about it, the words of Psalm 11 came to mind and brought great peace.  In the face of fear David says, “In the Lord I take refuge….. The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord is on His heavenly throne; He observes everyone on earth; His eye examines them.” (vs 1 & 4)
When we are afraid David reminds us that we can taken refuge in the Lord.  That God is still on the throne, that He sees everything and that ultimately He will do what is right.  We do not need to flee into the mountains or let go of our peace because we take refuge in the Lord and trust in Him. 
Is there something that is robbing you of your joy and peace?  Let’s take refuge in the Lord.